DJPPAT - The DJ Professional Pet Assited Therapy Programs March 6, 2025
What Is PAT?
PAT Book
Family Therapy Pets
High School Program
'Respect' Program
Certificate Program
Windwalker Humane Coalition
Violence Prevention - Character Education
The D.J. "Respect For Living Things" Program

Pet Inspired Values Development


Children will have the opportunity to interact with Pet Assisted Therapy (PAT) dogs D.J., Maj-En, or Panda Girl, and learn about the feelings and needs of animals and people.

Through this unique and fun-filled program, children will grow in their understanding of their own rights and value as human beings, and in their responsibilities in helping the world become a better place for all living things.

In this program, D.J., Maj-En, and Panda Girl are living examples of unconditional love and goodness. Through their touch, innocence, and warmth, children are able to get a glimpse of the most important lesson in life - that all living things have feelings.

The life-changing impact of the program is due to the fact that children are deeply touched by D.J., Maj-En, or Panda Girl's love, and by the welcoming environment of the program. Therefore, the children make connections, both emotionally and intellectually, between D.J., Maj-En, or Panda Girl's goodness (just by being themselve) and their own responsibilities to all living things.

This program can be run in schools, libraries, community centers, camps, or any place where children gather.


  • To build self-esteem through D.J., Maj-En, or Panda Girl's unconditional love.
  • To develop concern and compassion for the well being of animals, due to their love for D.J., Maj-En, or Panda Girl, and their recognition that they are a living being with feelings and needs.
  • To develop recognition that people, as well, have feelings and needs, and that it is our responsibility to respect and love, and display kindness and empathy to, those people and animals, from whom we receive it.
  • To develop understanding, through learning about and observing D.J., Maj-En, or Panda Girl's unconditional love for all, regardless of race, religion, economic or health status - that it is our responsibility as human beings to treat individuals caringly, without discrimination or stereotyping.
  • To develop understanding that, just as D.J., Maj-En, and Panda Girl are trained to do their job as a Pet Assisted Therapy dogs, we also need training (education) to accomplish our goals in life.
  • To develop understanding that, just as D.J., Maj-En or Panda Girl need an environment in which people are calm and gentle in their voices and actions, that people, as well, thrive in a peaceful environment.
  • To develop understanding that, just as I would not have taken D.J., Maj-En, or Panda Girl into the family unless I had the energy, resources, love, time, and commitment to see that they had a good life, that the same applies to bringing children into the world, as well.
  • To develop recognition that, just as D.J., Maj-En, or Panda Girl are unique and special, and that, with their own package of strengths and weaknesses, they are making a difference in the world, that we also are unique and special, that we need to protect our body, heart and mind, and that we have a responsibility to make a difference, through our own unique set of talents.

For info, please contact Cynthia Vanaudenhove at: